Episode 20: Getting Started Running Series (The Foundations of a Successful Beginner Running Program)
Welcome to my fourth interview in the "Get Started Running Series". Today I chat with Steve Boyd. Steve is the founder and coach of the Physi-Kult running group in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Steve is an accomplished runner at many distances (2:17 for the marathon!). Many of his best times came after the age of 30. I think you will get a lot out of my chat with Steve. He brings running experience both from the competitive athlete side and the coaching side that not many have. To view the show notes for this episode, go to http://www.healthynomics.com/20. If you want to subscribe to my free email series, that will take you from the couch to running regularly (pain free) click here. In this podcast, you will learn about: What a program for a new runners looks like. How Steve screens the runners he works with before setting up their running program. Whether alternating walking with running is a good place to start for new runners. What matters more, time or distance. What the most common mistake that runners make are. Advanced training strategies that new runners can benefit form as well. Are generic running programs taking from the internet good for beginners? Why beginners should included strength training in their program. Which strength exercises are the best for runners. Specific considerations for aging runners. Enjoy.
Welcome to my fourth interview in the "Get Started Running Series".
Today I chat with Steve Boyd.
Steve is the founder and coach of the Physi-Kult running group in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Steve is an accomplished runner at many distances (2:17 for the marathon!). Many of his best times came after the age of 30.
I think you will get a lot out of my chat with Steve. He brings running experience both from the competitive athlete side and the coaching side that not many have.
To view the show notes for this episode, go to http://www.healthynomics.com/20.
If you want to subscribe to my free email series, that will take you from the couch to running regularly (pain free) click here.
In this podcast, you will learn about:- What a program for a new runners looks like.
- How Steve screens the runners he works with before setting up their running program.
- Whether alternating walking with running is a good place to start for new runners.
- What matters more, time or distance.
- What the most common mistake that runners make are.
- Advanced training strategies that new runners can benefit form as well.
- Are generic running programs taking from the internet good for beginners?
- Why beginners should included strength training in their program.
- Which strength exercises are the best for runners.
- Specific considerations for aging runners.