Episode 27: How Runners Can Improve Foot Strength
This episode is all about your feet.
Matt is the Co-Founder, President/CEO of Progressive Health Innovations.
Progressive Health Innovations Inc. develops user-friendly and affordable health technologies for the rehabilitation, sports medicine, and athletic training markets. Their first product, the AFX, enables users to strengthen the muscles and tendons of the foot/ankle complex through a complete range of motion.
The AFX is made for everyone, their customers range from pro sports teams (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLS, MLB), Olympians and professional dancers, through to weekend warriors, police / firefighters, post-surgical patients and the elderly.
The focus of our chat is all about how strengthening your feet can minimize the chances of getting injured through running, but also get back to running quicker when you have suffered an injury.
Perhaps more interesting for you though, Matt tells us the best ways to strengthen your feet and how it will make you a faster runner.
The show notes for this episode with be at healthynomics.com/27 - there you'll also be able to download the transcript to this episode.
Please enjoy my chat with Matt Ferguson.